Overnight Style: Hacks For Rushed Mornings

While going to bed with wet hair on the regular is not recommended, there is some use to going to bed with damp hair on occasion. Sleeping with wet hair regularly makes for all kinds of problems from increased damage to sensitive locks, higher levels of bacteria growing in your bedding (um, ew), and even increased chances of developing cold symptoms. So, don’t get us wrong when you tell you about these overnight style hacks to help you get ready quickly on a rushed morning, only go to bed with damp hair, not wet.
Simply Lovely Waves With Minimum Effort
One of the most simple and stylish ways to get messy and adorable curls on the fly is to utilize all the time you spend sleeping. In order to do this style hack, shower at night and then blow dry your hair upside down until it is only damp, not still wet. After that, part your hair into three or four sections and tie each section up into a simply bun. In the morning when your hair is dry, let the buns out and shake the hair down to reveal sweet and simple waves.
Braid Waves
Messy, slightly beach-like waves aren’t the only type you can get while you sleep. If you struggle to get the right waves when you use the overnight bun trick, try braiding your hair in different ways to find the perfect overnight braid for you and your hair. If you have longer hair, try loosely braided hair that starts mid-length or so for sweet, soft, natural looking curls. Again, to achieve this your hair needs to be damp when you put it into the braid but we can’t emphasize enough how important it is to not leave it wet!
Frustrated With Less Than Straight Hair When You Wake Up?
If you are looking to have less curls or waves and want to achieve straighter locks without as much hassle, think about changing what you sleep on. Cotton and other material blends can pull at your hair while you sleep making it less smooth and straight. If you want your hair to be more protected and less mused in the mornings think about purchasing some silk sheets and pillowcases.
Let us know what your favorite overnight hair styles are, as well! Do you have a favorite style or do that comes from overnight prep? What about a favorite product that makes your mornings a breeze and you walk out your door looking like a goddess? Share your tips and tricks with us!