Summer Hair Care For The Best Summer Ever

Summer has a let-your-hair-down kind of vibe that you can’t help but get excited for. All the fun in the sun and hours at the pool make for some of the best summer memories, but we all know that summer can be hard on our hair. From the intense heat and UV rays to the chlorine in all the pools, summer isn’t necessarily your hair’s best friend. The good news is that there are many things you can do to protect your hair so you can enjoy summer just as much without the worry!
One nice thing about summer is that the rules for hair get a bit more lax. Seriously, you don’t have to worry about blow drying your hair or straightening it every day because that wavy, rolled out of bed look really goes with the season! Nixing those hair routines that use heat can really help keep you hair looking a lot more sexy this summer. Utilize some of these tricks to keep your hair looking lovely while keeping it healthy and strong.
Use. The. Best. Product.
We cannot stress this enough. There is a huge difference between a knock-off fifteen dollar version of a fifty dollar product. Hear us out. We know the price difference seems drastic but consider this. Professional products usually require using less product to get the results you want, plus, you are actually going to get the results you want. How many times have you purchased some non-brand product that just doesn’t work very well? Don’t sacrifice the health and strength of your hair when it comes to products.
Buy those cute hats and wear them!
Summer is so fun because the accessories you can use are endless. Hats are not only adorable and cute, but they can help protect your hair from excessive sun exposure. Keep one with you when you are going to be out in the sun for most of the day! Not only is the hat going to help protect your hair, but it can help keep the sun off your face and out of your eyes. Win, win.
Schedule some spa time!
Summer is the perfect time for some of the most restorative processes that a salon can offer! Check out the deep conditioning treatments that can help restore moisture and shine to your hair! If you are not sure what might service be beneficial for your hair, feel free to schedule a consultation with one of our incredible stylists and they can assist you in your selection!